Revisiting the hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy was a pleasant surprise. Considering aspects of the satire in an analytical fashion is somewhat more rewarding than while observed casually. The true intentions of the author are visible through more dissection of the work, allowing for a much more fulfilling concept and tale. The comedic aspects are a massive boon to the work and allow the text to appeal to a much broader audience, similar to how Dr. Strangelove and other great works tackle harder subjects through comedy. While the tone of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is much lighter, the dark controversial subjects satire handles can still be seen. Both works share a similar plotline. The earth is going to become uninhabitable or in HHGG destroyed the protagonist is forced out of their comfort zone and must explore a weird and strange new world order. By immediately subverting the reality our protagonist is living within we are able to more readily relate to the strange and unexpected things we come across. If their reality is warping ours is able to bend as well. By forcing a comparison to the new world and our own previous we are able to decipher that the strange new reality isn’t so strange, simply a caricature of the reality we live in. The contrast between the two realities brings ours into question and sheds light on the outrageous nature of controversial and political issues we face or could face in the not so distant future.
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