Spiritual Education
Spiritual Education
Within harry potter and other works that align to the
spiritual education archetype the students are faced with supernatural challenges
as well as ordinary challenges. The supernatural challenges often seem to
reflect those that we go through on a daily basis yet are portrayed in the
light of the supernatural. The work I examined for class was The Magicians. The
television adaptation does a better job of relating to the spiritual education
archetype and is quite refreshing for using a college setting instead of an
elementary or primary school setting, Quentin is interrupted from his normal
non-magical life when his Princeton interview is swapped for one with Brakebills.
Like most spiritual education texts the person introduced into the magical
world has little or no understanding of it yet needs to escape from the world
they are currently inhabiting. They feel out of place and use escapism as a
means of fighting real world issues like depression, social anxieties and
behavioral problems.
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